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DowntownFTL Tech

Writer's picture: DowntownFTLDowntownFTL

November 12, 2021

DowntownFTL is poised to have its own tech moment given the recent momentum of the South Florida start-up and tech ecosystems. The significant growth in DowntownFTL’s residential population and emergence of a dynamic arts scene, culinary community, and public realm mirror the trends that positioned Miami for its current moment. The emergence and normalization of remote work will make quality of place a top driver for relocation decisions. These factors, combined with DowntownFTL’s blossoming culinary scene, emerging artistic community, and future investments in public spaces like Huizenga Park and Tunnel Top Plaza, are poised to make DowntownFTL a destination of choice for innovators. This will contribute to creating the collision of talent and ideas necessary to support a thriving innovation ecosystem, collisions that are generally less likely to occur outside of downtowns.

Companies started in the City of Fort Lauderdale like Boatsetter, Xendoo, ShipMonk and Very Big Things are showing how local start-ups can scale with impact. Within DowntownFTL, General Provision is top of mind as an innovative space to support creative minds and changemakers.

The recently opened Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation will fill many of the gaps within the local tech and start-up ecosystems, supporting talent and entrepreneurs at all levels. This institution is poised to be a game changer for Fort Lauderdale, Broward County and the region.

By The Numbers

DowntownFTL holds about 27% of all tech jobs in the City of Fort Lauderdale and 7% of all tech jobs in Broward County. Since 2018 DowntownFTL has seen a 10% increase in

technology related employment. Taking a regional perspective, South Florida has seen

a 26% increase in technology jobs over the past decade.

This emergence in activity is occurring simultaneously with the rise of DowntownFTL as a destination of choice. DowntownFTL is the center of a rapidly growing, interconnected

South Florida region of over 6 million people. The Downtown population has grown by

41% over the past decade to nearly 19,000 residents and is projected to grow by 45%

over the next 5 years. This rise is supported by about 3,500 residential units that have come online over the past 2 years, with another 1,300 under construction, and 5,900 approved to be built. DowntownFTL is positioned to attract top companies given that the number of residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher has doubled over the past 20 years, creating a critical mass of local talent.

Cover Photo Source: General Provision (Instagram)

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